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Writer's pictureElizabeth Krier

December 15th DAY EIGHT : MOVE

VISUALIZATION: The first week our visualization focused on our body as a whole and hopefully you could truly feel how it would feel to be in your ideal health. Notice, I did not say, perfect health. We know there is no perfection on this side of heaven but our imagination as prayer can still be so powerful in moving the needle towards a better version of ourselves. Love yourself now where you are at, and take joy in imagining the possibilities of the future. Now we shift gears a bit for the second week, but still resting in your sacred space. From your sacred space, take 5 looong, deeeep breaths. Set a timer if you need. Try to spend at least 5 minutes here. Bring your focus to just one part of your body that you know needs healing, strength, or improvement. Imagine Jesus, as the divine physician, present with you, holding this part of you and you are looking back at him as he heals it. See it healed, feel how you would feel if it was better and imagine what you would do if this part was no longer an issue. Show Jesus your gratitude.

Staying in your sacred space, REFLECT on the following and if you would like, write any thoughts in your journal, use the questions as prompts:


Read the good news in Mark Chapter 5:25-34

Do these Biblical stories of Christ healing people with very specific conditions bring you hope for healing? Is it possible that the people who believed Jesus could heal them first knew to their very core that life could be better if they were well? They knew to their core they wanted to be well. Is there anything about what ails you that feels too comfortable or too familiar to give up or try to change?


Movement: More movement for your pelvis below!

***Tomorrow is an EAT day. The challenge is to have nourishing food all day for every snack and every meal. This means no processed foods, including breads, cereals, granola bars- basically anything from a package is out. Go for nutrient-dense foods like fresh vegetables and fruits, grass-fed/organic meats, nuts, etc. The internet has no shortage of websites with recipes you can pull from. You will be most successful if you go into the day with a plan of what you are going to eat. Eat as much as you need; it just needs to be real. This is an opportunity to create mindfulness and prayerfulness around eating as it will involve more time and preparation. It is the modern day version of primal hunting and gathering. Procuring food used to be a time consuming and movement rich endeavor. Let your food nourish and energize your mind and body today!

A prayer for your day: Lord, may your light, love, and mercy cast out the darkness of dis-ease within my body. Strengthen my will to take the right actions for improving my health and bless me for all the ways I do care for myself regularly. Amen.

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