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December 6th: Greetings Friends!

Updated: Dec 5, 2020

If we haven’t already met, I want to break the ice and introduce myself. My name is Elizabeth Krier. I go by Elizabeth, or Liz, as long as you don’t tell my mom (she hates when people shorten it). Below you will find what you need to make your Advent-ure an impactful one. But first, a little background...

I have been working with people for the last 8 years in a pain and stress management role, helping them through hands on bodywork (Body Stress Release) and restorative exercise. For the last three years, I have been feeling called to step into the role of coaching whole-body AND soul wellness. Finally, in 2020 I completed my Primal Health Coach and NES Health practitioner certifications. The call to work with Catholic women followed shortly thereafter.

Full disclosure, I don’t have impressive credentials such as a masters in Theology, Psychology, or medicine. My passion for health and wellness has taken me down a meandering road, spanning over many years of seeking and acquiring the knowledge and certifications I wanted that I believed could best serve my clients. While I continue to support people through bodywork and other resources, health coaching Catholic women is a new area of focus for me, and one that I believe is needed.

This is a very exciting time to be kicking off this challenge as we begin on the feast of the Immaculate Conception which also happens to be my 40th birthday!

This is absolutely all I could ask for for my birthday; to have you take this Advent journey with me and other women who are ready to explore our health through the lens of our faith. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your “Yes!” to this Advent-ure! Your “yes” is just the beginning (as it was for Mary). My hope is you say “Yes” to each day’s challenge by completing each task and as a result it enriches your day, your health, your faith, and your Advent experience. Please make every effort to read through the challenge in the morning before your day gets rolling. Make it a priority.

If you haven’t already, mark your calendar for December 8th as we begin to Eat, Pray, and Move together through the following weeks of Advent.


Here is a list of things you can start gathering to prep for the journey ahead:

  • A Bible: We will be using a Lectio Divina-style approach to reflecting on Scripture and other spiritual writings/reflections as a means to embrace the promptings of how God shows us the meaning of our bodies and our health through the Word and the Church.

  • A journal/pen or paper for your reflections, questions, ideas, aah-haa moments.

  • Create a sacred space in your home for daily prayer and moving/exercising: 8’x 8’ should be big enough. If you have the ability, keep this space sacred for this time. Keep it decluttered and inviting so you will want to go there.

  • Your phone, or another device for keeping time and following along with the movement videos.

If you have any questions, feedback, or need support along the way, feel free to reach out to

I would love to hear from you and find out how your Advent-ure is going!

We can also interact on Instagram: @catholicwomangonewild

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